Friday Afternoon, July 17
The boys went on a nature course with a guide while the girls waited to go ziplining.
As we walked toward the archery range, he taught them about looking for food while in the woods.
He gave them directions and safety tips before they began aiming at targets.
It almost looks like this arrow went through Jesse’s nose.
Look who they talked into trying a few shots!
Going back to the playground area to learn about geocaching.
They received GPS units and directions for locating caches throughout the campground.
Jesse and Jared were the first two to get GPS units…
Jesse spotted the first cache. (This is a cell phone picture – the reason for the size difference.)
The characteristic on this sign was “decisiveness” and the animal was the red fox.
The guide said they did a great job in finding four objects. He said many only find one in the time allotted, and others never find any.
I left them with their guide to go get some pictures of Lydia and Diana on the zipline course. Since Jana was recovering from gallbladder surgery, ziplining was not an option, so she was watching them and taking pictures for me.
Tomorrow night I will show you ziplining and the boys going through the last part of their discovery package – the nature exhibit.
Your week just keeps getting better and better. Can I come to Cousins week next year?Two of my friends from Xanga are geocachers. One is SaintVi, otherwise known as Melinda. She lives in Mich. She’s on FB. The other is Murisopsis. Her real name is Valerie. She lives in So. Bend. I met them once when they were on their way to a geocaching convention in So. Indiana. We found 4 caches in Winona Lake. Nice ladies.
Wow, I didn’t realize that there are geocaching conventions. Yes, you may come next year. The group is getting less and less as the grandchildren graduate and get busy with their jobs. But that is nice for me, as I am getting older too.