Saturday Afternoon, June 27
This post should have been ahead of last night’s entry, but I guess it won’t matter if the last two entries are not in chronological order.
Jesse Rothacker with Forgotten Friends is a Truck Rally favorite – of the children and adults.
Since Jere helped Jesse find his spot in the building, Jesse, Ian, and Jared were there to help him unload. He was glad for the extra helpers as he had a tight schedule – having traveled to the Lebanon Expo from another event.
Jared and Jesse’s large tortoise.
Jesse asked our Jesse and Ian to leave a trail of grapes on the floor for the tortoise.
He promptly followed them – devouring them as he went.
East Hall was filled with children, parents, and grandparents.
Jesse displayed a nice variety of snakes and reptiles, telling us about their special features.
Notice his car in the background. Jesse said he was especially glad for the ability to drive inside to unload since it was raining quite heavily when he arrived.
He asked Jared to lift the tortoise.
The two Jesse’s. He asked our Jesse to help with this snake. If I remember correctly it was a plastic snake to teach them to distinguish between this snake and the next one which is real.
He surely does a great job with the critters and in entertaining his audience.
Snakes aren’t a favorite of mine — but he did a good job with them. I love the tortoise — was it heavy?
The tortoise was heavy, and Jesse does a great job with his presentation.
Correct me if i’m wrong, but red touches yellow and you’ve killed a fellow. Red touches black and you’ve got a friend in Jack. In the picture of the two Jesse’s is red not touching yellow? I too am not fond of snakes, which is why I’m concerned here.
If I remember correctly, on the pictures of the two Jesse’s, our Jesse is touching a plastic snake to help them remember the difference between it and the next snake. I had forgotten about that, so I don’t think you have to worry about the children and a venomous snake.
Thanks for reminding me.
Hi, I hope this reaches you. Anyway, I have a question, and you may email me if you like. But I saw your blog from 2010 about uprighting the tombstones at Kreiders COB, and you said the church is owned by your church & used a few times per summer. Whens the next time it’ll be used this summer, cause I’d love to attend. What church do you go to that owns it? Again, you may email me, at I don’t have a way to email you directly so thought I’d try here. I have one relative buried at Kreiders and so vandalism there concerns me. Next time there’s a job to do fjxing the stones, I’d love to help. I live locally & attend a Brethren church myself. My relative is buried on the side closest to the road and on the middle aisle. Don’t want to post his name here. Was there yesterday and the stones look good. There were two pushed over though, but didn’t take note of their name, and the stones & base were two heavy to push back up. Hope to hear from you. Saw you’re on Facebook. Will add you there if its okay. God bless!!
I sent you an email reply.
I’m not able to find it for some reason. I’ve looked in inbox & spam. Can you somehow put it in a Facebook message?