Saturday, June 27
Auctioneer/trucker Dave White selling a gift basket while main auctioneer, Joel Heisey, points out a bidder.
One good thing about a rainy day, the auction crowd was larger than usual, and the profit was up $2,000.00 from the previous year.
Gift baskets and food sold very well.
The children – and their parents – enjoyed the children’s auction with auctioneer/trucker Nevin Ebersole.
The outside food vendors – Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, Lawn & Laurel Cook’s Cotton Candy, and The Ice Cream Truck – had to move inside Brightbill Arena near the children’s activities because of the rain. We liked them there.
The fairgrounds kitchen was busy all day.
The evening meal was planned by the Rally Food Committee.
It is always amazing to see how quickly the line of people move through South East Hall as they get their barbecue meal.
Peters’ Barbecue, Manheim, did a fabulous job of preparing the meat for this meal.
There was chicken (1/2 or a leg & thigh) and pulled pork.
West Hall was filled with twenty-six interesting vendors. Our son Jeff posed with his old Chevy next to lots of flowers which were for sale and donated by Esbenshade;s Greenhouses.
Gouldeys had an attractive display of chrome and related items.
Harry and Jodi Sensening help our truckers “Take Shape For Life.” The TFC table was to their left (your right).
Jane Wise’s artwork was a new and beautiful attraction this year.
It was just after this picture – when Jane was looking for something to donate to the benefit auction – that she noticed something strange about my blouse.
She leaned over and whispered – “I think you have your blouse on inside out.”
I quickly removed it (I had a shirt on underneath) and turned it around. We were two hours into the day, so I wonder how many people noticed my size and the brand on the tags.
I’m glad it was so busy despite the rain! LOLre the blouse — I once went to a formal dinner with the sales tag still inside my sheer white blouse!
Thanks Doris for the great pictures & informative notes from the TFC Rally! We had a wonderful time there and pray for God’s continued guidance & blessing on the ministry.
Thank you.