Manheim Brethren In Christ Church – Sunday, June 21
This is a day when we have opportunity to tell the young Sunday school classes about trucks and Transport For Christ.
Gene (right) told the children about the value of listening to God – and how truckers listen to the sounds of a truck when traveling over the highway. Listening helps a trucker determine if all is well with the truck.
Cerwin showed a Powerpoint slide presentation of trucks and ministry on the TFC chapels.
The teachers had a schedule for when their class visited the trucks or the chapel.
The children’s favorite thing to do is blow the air horns.
There was a mix-up and two classes came to the chapel at the same time.
It was good the children were small so we could put two on a chair.
If I remember correctly, we had thirty people in the chapel.
Inside the classroom, truckers Geff and Will told the children what it is like to be a truck driver who serves the Lord, and Will’s wife, Sherry, baked truck-shaped cookies for snack time.
I understand that we are just a small part of a summer program for the children’s Sunday school class time where the children are taught about local missions.
A good way for children to learn about your mission as they ‘play’ on the trucks!
I agree.