Tuesday Evening, April 28
Jana stopped in to say hi to everyone before going to work at Fox Meadows Creamery – http://www.foxmeadowscreamery.com/ – a few miles from our place.
Jesse likes to show off his climbing skills when he comes to our place.
Supper – Roast beef, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and dinner rolls – provided by children and grandchildren.
I tried a new salad for this meal – Corn Chip Salad. It was delicious.
Ice cream cakes – made by Deb.
The birthday people – Barb (Roy’s mother) and Cerwin.
Jeff and Chris’ old truck looked nice in the evening sun.
Diana and Donovan came late – after she finished her job of milking at a nearby farm.
The highlight of the evening was seeing Anthony walk. In this picture Great-great-Grandma Hershey is encouraging him.
It looks like a wonderful evening — and Anthony is really going to take off (it looks like he’s just realized what he can do when he can walk!).
He was only a few days into walking, and still walked a bit like a drunk, but he is getting better.
That little guy is so cute walking!
He is! He acts a bit like a drunk.