Sunday Afternoon – March 22 – After Morning Worship
Someone prepared tables ahead of time in the fellowship hall.
Lorraine, Doris, and Cathy slicing sandwich rolls which would be filled with hot, barbecued chicken.
The kitchen was filled with cooks preparing what they brought or helping someone else. Cerwin and I were in charge of coffee and tea, so that was an easy set up. (You can see our table in the first picture.)
Ruthclaudene, Ruth Ann, and Fern dishing fresh fruit.
We enjoyed eating and visiting with class members and teachers before cleaning up and heading home to relax for the afternoon. I think the tables were set for 40 people.
That looks like a very sumptuous meal, and the table decorations are lovely!
It was a delicious, delightful day.
The paper cups are absolutely beautiful!
I thought so too.