Saturday, March 21
I was there only fifteen minutes when I met our Canadian friends.
I was so pleased to see Merle & Rita (left), because we were unable to attend the ministry banquet the night before. He is CEO of Living Hope Native Ministry, Red Lake, Ontario, Canada.
They were with our good friends Orpha and Gary (right).
After a short visit, I moved on to look for more photo ops so our daughter Deb has some good choices for the Mud Sale Magazine.
I noticed these young ladies making smoothies as I waited in line for a cup of chicken corn soup.
This was my view in the craft tent where my sister had a front row seat reserved for me.
I listened to the auction, relaxed for awhile, and enjoyed my chicken corn soup.
Our great-grandson, Anthony, and his mama Abby.
I walked around the tent and looked at crafts that would be coming up for sale.
This little guy made me smile – I think I will bid on him.
I got him for $10.00.
This was my favorite moment of the mud sale – when a young Amish girl picked up a plaque and showed it to her dad. I waited for his expression before snapping the picture.
By the time I left the craft tent, the mud had gotten even worse, as the temperature had risen and the snow was melting.
Lots of young boys earn tips by hauling purchases for successful bidders.
Great shots, Doris — I, too, like the little girl and her dad — and the boys with their straw hats. I love the last shot, too!
Oh my word ~ looks like a TRUE mud sale!
For sure.