A Rainy Kind Of Day

Saturday, March 14DSC_7013Many of you saw robins long before I did.

March 14 was the first day for me this year.

DSC_7019It was a rainy, cool day which quickly melted the many inches of snow that was on the ground.

DSC_7021We left the house in the late morning – to have lunch with Cerwin’s mother.

DSC_7023My favorite mules were standing near the buildings – getting free baths.


DSC_7032We took a low road that Cerwin usually avoids when it is raining, but today I convinced him to take it so I could get pictures of water on the road and in the fields.


DSC_7037He tried to make water splash over the windshield for a camera shot, but I only managed to get a picture of a bit of the splash – in the lower right of the above photo.



DSC_7049A cardinal welcomed us with his “cheer, cheer, cheer” as we walked toward the entrance of the area of Landis Homes where Mother lives.

DSC_7051The rain had stopped by the time we left, but its effects remained.

DSC_7062On the way home we came upon a very flooded area.

DSC_7060The reflection in this picture makes the pole look like it is placed in the center of the road.

I love a rainy day!