Friday, February 20
Apparently a snowplow hit it during the night. Cerwin was able to repair it without much trouble.
Later in the morning a front end loader came through to push the snow farther into the field in preparation for another snow storm.
A regular snow plow followed to make sure the road was clear.
That evening the sun set with a lot of fanfare, creating a beautiful sky.
I love seeing what happens when it snows — a whole different side of life comes out! Those sunset shots are really spectacular!
Have you ever had snow where you live?
It snowed once at ground level (sea level) when I was about 8 years old. Other than that, it only snows on the mountains behind town, and usually comes down to about 5,000 feet altitude (the closest mountains are about 8,000 feet tall). When I was at Bryn Mawr, there was one huge snowstorm, and some dustings,. And when I lived in Seattle, there was one snowstorm that I remember. Our winter temps don’t usually get below freezing, and when they do it’s usually only for a few hours overnight..
It sounds nice to live where it is always warm, but I kind of like snow storms too.
Was the sunset from Fri. night or Sat? If it was Fri. that’s the night Tom went to be with Jesus.
It was Friday night a week ago. How are you doing?
Living in the country = replacing/repairing mailboxes ~
We have to do that every now and then.