My Birthday Supper

Saturday Evening, February 7

1Cerwin honored me by inviting our children to join us for my 71st birthday supper on Saturday night – the evening before my birthday.

It greatly pleased me that our Pennsylvania children were there.

2 (1)Chris & Jeff, Deb & Roy, Kristen & Jere.

2 (2)Being with our children is my favorite birthday gift.

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3Sibling secret.

4 (1)The rose in the middle of our table.

4 (2)The candle.

5 (1)Since it was my birthday, I ordered something I had never eaten – Lobster Tail

5 (2)I’ve had almost every dish that includes lobster, but never ordered Lobster Tail, because of the expense. Since I was 71, I thought it was time. 🙂

It was fabulous!

The others got things like steak and lamb.

5bThe children were amused when I stuck the table candle in my dessert.


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8Thanks, Cerwin. That was the best gift you could have given me.