Saturday, January 31
Our oldest daughter, Diane, had an opportunity to come here (from Maine) for a short weekend – with two van loads of people going to a youth conference.
Their grandson draws her here like a strong magnet.
Eight-month-old Anthony doesn’t have the “smile for the camera” routine down yet.
Diane treasures her time with him and we were delighted to have him here on Saturday evening while Nathaniel and Abby went out for supper.
He doesn’t crawl yet, but he sure gets around.
Watch him during this maneuver.
Later in the evening Diane’s best friend from school days – Karen – stopped in to visit. We had a good time talking about childhood memories and the recent death of Karen’s dad.
Though Anthony enjoyed his time with us, he was delighted to see his mama.
It is so much have having a baby in the family again.
Oh, what fun! It looks like Anthony may just skip crawling all together, and go straight to walking!
That is what I was thinking. He is so fearless, and tries anything, so I think he may walk early.