If this was my first winter in the northeast,
If I didn’t know about the seasons,
I would think that our trees are dead.
I would think there isn’t much hope for those bare branches.
But I’ve lived here for almost seventy-one years
long enough to know better.
I know that spring will come again,
when all of these trees will be filled with new, green leaves.
Did you ever think that winter is a strange time for branches to be bare?
It seems that they should be covered with something when it is brutally cold and windy.
But, I don’t doubt that God knows what He is doing – because it works.
A tree that is bare and dormant in winter is just as alive as when it is filled with new leaves in June.
As long as the earth endures, nothing will put a stop to planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.
You have arranged the earth, set all its boundaries;
You are the Architect of the seasons:
Praise God’s name forever and ever!
Power and wisdom belong to him.
He changes the times and seasons.
Daniel 2:20-21 Easy-to-Read Version
I have to laugh as I read this post — when I was 16 and preparing to go to Bryn Mawr for college, my dad insisted that I would love the fall colors, that the trees would be in their finest yellows and reds when I got there. Unfortunately, when I arrived, the fall had ended, and all I could see was a lot of dead trees! I still have not seen a spectacular fall season, except in photos, and I still hope that one day I’ll be fortunate enough to visit the Northeast in the fall! BTW — is that an eagle in the next-to-last shot?
Isn’t it interesting how something can trigger our memory. No, that is probably a red tailed hawk.
I really love when the trees disrobe in winter. Your photos are testament to how beautiful their bare bones are!
Of course, I’m always excited when the leaves begin to unfurl, and then when they are full and lush, and once again when the wonderful fall colors appear. Trees are just like that — beautiful in any season.
I love living in an area where there are seasons.