Tuesday, January 6
Hezekiah showing off the afghan he got from Great-grandma High’s things.
Elizabeth chose it for him because of the colors. He loves John Deere.
He was pleased to know that Grandma crocheted it.
He is on winter break from college in Presque Isle in northern Maine.
I needed a current picture of him – with hair. He had a buzz cut last summer when we were in Maine.
During school breaks he works at night – as a mechanic for Hartt – a freight company. He is in school to be a big rig mechanic.
After having breakfast with Michelle (yesterday’s entry) we stopped for Cerwin – then went to visit Hannah in Topsham and Elizabeth in Lewiston.
I enjoy going to the ReStore store to see what has come in.
ReStore is a branch of Habitat for Humanity.
They carry building supplies and items that can be used in construction or in remodeling a house.
Most rivers, lakes, and ponds are frozen solid.
After visiting Hannah, we went to the Root Cellar in Lewiston where Elizabeth is serving – along with the others in the Brethren Volunteer Service unit.
We were pleased to get there during a time when the entire unit was there – as they had just returned with groceries from the food bank.
Zach (right) with one of the young men who comes to the Root Cellar.
I broadened the photo and captured another one of the young men who benefits from the Root Cellar.
They have a program that helps low income families with food.
Elizabeth gave us a tour of the facilities.
This is a room where children come for after school assistance.
I think Bev and Cerwin were talking hunting here.
Her mom and our daughter-in-law Chris are first cousins. Our son Jeff sometimes hunts on their farm.
Their busy time is after school.
Bev was working on some craft ideas.
I captured Zach, Emily, and Monika in the kitchen – putting groceries away – when we were in the sewing room.
The yellow house is where the unit (house parents and three girls) live.
Elizabeth’s room is on the third floor. Emily and Bev have rooms on the second floor. It is also where their living room is located. Zach, Monika, and Jaden live on the first floor which is also the location of the kitchen and dining room.
Zach and Monika are the house parents – assisted by their son Jaden.
While in Lewiston, Diane showed us where Mark picks up trailers for delivery of baked products.
He drives for First Fleet – a truck similar to the red one at the dock.
First Fleet is leased to Country Kitchen in Lewiston.
We stopped at Burger King for lunch, then got a few groceries for supper. I used a recipe that was on a box of specialty noodles I brought along from Pennsylvania and an apple/pear/craisin salad recipe from my niece Amy. I also made a pot of homemade tomato soup from canned, diced tomatoes. (I love homemade tomato soup.)
Lydia made this yummy dessert.
After supper we exchanged Christmas gifts. This was our gift from Mark and Diane.
Interesting to see what Hannah and Elizabeth are doing. Hannah really looks the part of the manager in that first shot with Cerwin!
Yes, I liked her serious face on that picture.
Hannah’s dark red house and now Elizabeth’s deep yellow house both remind me so much of Sweden. Those are very common house colors there.