If you read my blog, you may remember their experience last summer – when they lived with us for several days with the anticipation of adopting a newborn baby boy.
Then the mother decided to keep him.
This picture of Kinza, Reuben, and Judi (our niece) was taken in early August when their hearts were sad – even though their faces were smiling – as they prepared to return to Wisconsin without a baby.
Fast forward to December.
Due to circumstances, the baby’s mother has reconsidered and contacted Reuben and Judi last week. They immediately packed their bags and arrived at our house just after our Christmas celebration on Saturday night.
The little guy was in Hershey Medical due to RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) the past few days. This was the day he was discharged.
Because Judi texted me when they left the hospital, I was pacing like a nervous grandmother until they got here.
Kinza is going to be a great big sister. In this photo her daddy is giving her the blanket to hold while he removes the baby’s coat.
He will be five months old next week.
Kinza looked cute with jelly on her mouth after lunch.
Love his little feet, toes, hands, and fingers.
The most difficult part of having him here is that because of adoption recommendations, only Reuben and Judi are supposed to hold and cuddle him. I was not surprised when they told us that, because I have heard about that from other adoptive parents and grandparents.
It is important for adoptive parents to obey this guideline so the young child bonds with and learns to know his/her new parents.
If I took a video of this, you would see Kinza rocking the car seat because he was fussing a bit.
I am enjoying being a surrogate grandma until the real grandparents take over.
Oh, it is good to have these precious little ones in our house.
What a heartwarming story! One just never knows when the blessing will come … I would love to kiss his sweet brown hands and feet, so precious they are. Even if you must adore from a distance, I know you’ll enjoy this interlude.
Yes, we are incredibly blessed to be part of this process.
I’m so glad this is happening for your niece and her family — I hope it becomes permanent this time!
The mother has signed this time, but there are still several legal hurdles.
Wow!!! I was so sad for them when the mother had decided to keep him, but what a blessing this is!! That birth mom is a brave woman who made the right choice. Praise the Lord!! This story has made my New Year’s Eve so special!!! I am just so excited for them!
Yes, we are excited for them too.
Adoption is never an easy thing to go through. Especially for the birth mother. I know this first hand. When I gave up my youngest son, I knew in my heart before he was even born that he was going to be someone else’s son. Still, it was hard the day I went to leave the hospital. I did go to the nursery to say my good-byes, and yes I hold him, tears streaming down my face. Even through my tears I saw him at me with those blue eyes and it was like he was saying “Everything is going to be alright”. And it was, and is. I have no regrets having held him. He knows that I gave him up because I loved him and wanted him to have the life and home I knew I couldn’t give him.
I’m glad this birth mother made the right choice when she knew she couldn’t take care of her baby.
I just noticed I came up anonymous…. I’m the one who posted the above…..
Thanks, Fay. I thought it may have been you who wrote that. Yes, it was difficult for this birthmother as well. Blessings to you and your sons.
Oh, what an exciting ending to this story! Will it be a long while before the adoption is finalized??
We don’t know how long the adoption will take, or even how long they will be staying at our house. They cannot leave before the father signs and the two states – Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – communicate so they can take him home.