Saturday Evening, December 27
Our evening began with supper – provided by our wonderful ladies – Chris, Kristen, Deb, and Abby.
They haven’t allowed me to make any food for the past few years – and I really appreciate that.
We provide the place, the tables, place settings, and drink (orange punch and raspberry iced tea.)
Mocha punch is always a favorite.
It is a mixture of coffee, sugar, Nesquik chocolate mix, water, chocolate ice cream, and vanilla ice cream.
I think Jesse wishes that his Dad wasn’t following him through the food line – as there were some things he wanted to avoid – like green beans.
Snack mix by Mother Hershey. She makes the best mix, so the girls allow her to bring that to our parties.
As I posted these pictures, I realized that I didn’t take a picture of the ham or the delicious desserts. You can see the ham on some of the food line pictures, but the red velvet cake and cheese cake did not make it on any shot.
I needed a new picture of Jordan for my refrigerator.
About the time I think I have updated pictures of our adult grandsons, they grow a beard – or shave it off – they style their hair – or get a buzz cut. I never seem to be able to keep their pictures current.
Since his mom was next to Josh, Deb took advantage of getting them to pose.
The unmarried grandchildren exchange names – and we usually begin with the youngest. This year we had a new youngest – Anthony – our first great-grandchild.
It looks like Nathan had his name, and Ian assisted.
Anthony didn’t seem impressed with the clothing (but his parents were). He preferred the box and paper.
Dustan is Jenna’s friend and we are pleased to have him join our family gatherings.
Jared was pleased with his Lego gift from Jordan.
Another Lego set. He and his brothers are going to have fun with those.
I am not sure who gave this to her, but if it is anything to do with horses, she will like it.
A gift card and a horse calendar.
Gloria was right back in the center of the room to give a gift to Jana.
It looks like a gift any young lady would enjoy.
A gift card to a favorite store.
I think this came with a gift card.
I like the look I captured on Ian’s face – like, “I wonder if Dustan will like my gift?”
He did! It was a Cabela’s gift card and beef jerky.
Nathan must have gotten his gift from someone in Jere and Kristen’s family…
…because he also got beef jerky and a Cabela’s card.
Jenna had her oldest brother’s name.
Jordan got a Cabela’s gift card.
Cabela’s does well with our hunting/fishing family.
Josiah wasn’t sure that he could come, but when it worked out for him, he and his sister Elizabeth exchanged names – just a few days before our celebration.
I didn’t get a photo of the contents, but it was a variety of food.
Elizabeth learned a few weeks ago that the volunteer unit in Lewiston, Maine, (where she serves) was coming to Pennsylvania, so we were blessed to have her with us. She got a special tea and…
…cute piece of half-inch steel from Josiah.
The children then gave us gifts: A restaurant gift card from Jeff and Chris; you may remember that we received lots of canned peaches from Jere and Kristen on Christmas Day; a note saying that Roy and Deb will take us to Cabela’s in Delaware and then out for a meal; and a homemade chocolate nut pie from Nathaniel and Abby. THANK YOU!.
We gave everyone a small bag of snacks and money.
Cerwin and I don’t always exchange gifts because we buy things throughout the year as we need them. I gave him a shirt he saw in a store (and liked) the other week and a gift card to Paul B’s (an ultimate hardware store). Cerwin goes there several times a month – between our needs and building chapels for TFC.
He wrapped this box of three suitcases that we bought at Costco the other week.
To finish our evening we played Now-You-Have-It-Now-You-Don’t.
Cerwin and I provide the items – mostly snacks, sodas, sparkling cider, and useful items that range in price from $3-4. I didn’t think to take pictures of the items.
Each person chooses three numbers. Jesse was in charge of passing out the numbers. We encouraged Sam (sitting to Jana’s right) a family friend – and brother to Nathaniel – to participate in this game.
Ian called the numbers this year.
My final picture was supposed to be of these two glugging some sparkling cider, but they just gave me silly faces.
It was a fun evening.
I love these people (little ones and big ones) who God placed in our family.
Every one of them!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas meal, and a great gift exchange! I like the idea of the kids gifting each other and then the adults.
We figure the little one are the ones who are the most excited to open gifts, so we don’t like to make them wait.
now I see. LOL