Saturday, December 6
This is the best picture I have of Cerwin’s Aunt Bertha – from an evening in 2009 when we visited her and Uncle John.
I enjoyed listening to her laugh, but she looks a bit serious In this photo as she listens to Uncle John tell us one of many interesting stories from the early days of their marriage.
This recent photo was used in her obituary. She and John would have been married seventy-five years – a few days before Christmas.
Today – at the age of 96 her body was in a casket, but her spirit and soul were rejoicing with the Lord.
The family visitation was between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM in West Bethany Chapel at Landis Homes Community.
Mel and Velda brought Mother (seated – talking to uncle John). She wasn’t doing very well today as her blood pressure was low, but she wanted to attend the visitation and funeral.
She treasures seeing her remaining siblings and nieces and nephews.
Mother (age 97) and her older brother John who will be 99 in a week.
Velda visiting with John and Bertha’s daughter Darlene.
Mel, Mother, and Darlene visit as Velda talks to John and Bertha’s daughter Nancy. Nancy’s husband is standing next to her.
John and Bertha also had a son Robert who died several years ago. Robert’s daughter is greeting the man on the left. Next to her are her husband and children.
Cerwin’s cousins Roxanne and Resie bringing their dad, Amos. He is a younger brother to Mother and John. I think Roxie and Resie told me that he is 86.
Mother and June – John and Bertha’s oldest daughter.
Our cousin Joyce and her husband, Walter.
Cousins John and Larry talking to a funeral director.
I would have liked to take many more pictures of relatives, but as the room filled it became a bit awkward.
Uncle Luke (left) is the youngest of the five living siblings. He and Aunt Willamae went through the visitation line before we arrived, so I didn’t get a photo of him with Uncle John. Their sister Naomi is bedfast in a nursing home.
There were originally eight siblings: Alice, Aaron, John, Ella, Naomi, Laura, Amos, Luke.
Mother’s blood pressure seemed to go lower during the service, so her appearance concerned us. By the time the service was over, she appeared weak and slightly lethargic, so we quickly took her toward an exit, thinking that we would be able to transfer her from the wheelchair to our car, but she was too weak to make the move.
God sent our friend Dawn Bollinger – who brought a van to the door to transfer Uncle Amos to his room. He was not ready to leave, so Dawn took mother to her building – on the same campus.
Mel and Velda were able to bring her across the parking lot in her wheel chair, but it was raining by the time the service was over – the reason we were going to take her back in our car. Mel and Velda had to leave for the afternoon funeral of one of his step-brothers.
We were sorry that Mother wasn’t well enough to stay to visit with nieces and nephews who wanted to talk to her.
After we and a nurse got her settled in her room – and favorite chair – Mother asked to have lunch brought to her room. While she ate, we got our lunch in the café down the hall, then went back to check on her. She still seemed weak, but was better.
Cerwin called her a few minutes ago. She said that she is doing much better. He said that she sounded much better. We and the medical team are confused by her blood pressure fluctuations. Sometimes it is high, sometimes it is way too low, and other times it is normal.
Keep her in your prayers.
My goodness, what a family of longevity! Cerwin is still a YOUNG man! Looking at the photos, it’s amazing how much younger the men all look! I hope Cerwin’s mother is feeling better soon — the blood pressure is hard to regulate properly, and the day had to be quite stressful for her.
It is difficult to believe that Uncle John is almost 99. He is so alert and fun to be around.
It’s always remarkable when people live to be 99 — and even more so when they are alert and still enjoying life! I hope he’ll have several years more, though it may be more difficult without Bertha.
We told him that now that he doesn’t have Bertha to visit (she has been in nursing care for the past few years and he is in an independent living apartment) he can now go to visit Mother several times a week.
He loves to write, so maybe he will do more of that.
That’s a great idea — will help both of them stay alert! And the writing is good too!