Sunday, November 9
Yesterday we took Mother to the worship service in the chapel at Pleasant View Retirement Community and were joined by our daughter Deb, her husband, Roy, and our son Jeff. We knew Roy and Deb were coming, but Jeff surprised us. Pleasant View is close to our church, so he decided to come when he learned that we would be there with Mother. What fun that was.
We were blessed by Glen Faus’ message:
- Love the Lord with your whole heart and soul. In other words – give Him all you got.
- Bless the people you like and bless the people you don’t like. Bless them with a cycle of blessing.
When the service was over Jeff went back to out church to wait on Chris who had a directory meeting, while the rest of us went to Mother’s room.
After a short visit, Roy and Deb took lunch to Jere and Kristen’s house because they wanted to spend the afternoon with Jana. (Deb had lunch in a crockpot in Mother’s room.)
We stayed and enjoyed lunch with Mother in the rehab dining room.
Mother is wrapped in a beautiful shawl which was crocheted by her nephew’s wife, Lucy. (See Lucy, I told you she loves it.)
Mother is doing so well. She is not yet totally independent – still needing assistance from nurses and rehab specialists in performing many of her daily routines. After an hour in church, she asked to go back to bed until lunch. She needs another week or two at Pleasant View before she can go back to Landis Homes.
She is amazing, and has come a long way since her fall and broken hip on October 16.
So glad that Mrs. High is doing so well! And I do love that shawl! Those colors would perk anyone up!
We could not be happier with her recovery.
Cerwin’s mother is looking almost as if she’d never had that accident — well, maybe a few weeks older, but remarkably strong! She seems to be doing well in her rehab — and at 92, going back to bed isn’t unusual!
She is remarkably strong. …and she is 97!
I am glad she is doing so well. She looks happy with you all there. A shawl is comforting, and that one is so pretty.
I have been praying for Jana. Please pray for my great-grand-daughter, Sidney. She is in a facility for troubled teens. She’s been suicidal. Her Dad killed himself when she was only 2. She’s almost 15 now. She knows about Jesus, but claims she is an agnostic. It is heart-breaking.
Oh, thanks for telling me about Sidney. We will be praying for her.
she looks beautiful!
Yes, she does.