Birthday Supper For Chris

October 22, 2014

DSC_1381Bulls Head was her choice of restaurant for this year’s birthday meal.

Cerwin and I arrived about ten minutes before Jeff and Chris, and oriented ourselves to the style of an English Pub.

I love that our children like to choose unique places to eat.

DSC_1385An outside heater went on shortly after dusk – right outside our window.

DSC_1388We enjoyed a great visit and meal with Chris and Jeff. She liked that her back was to the fireplace, as it was a cool evening.

Though this restaurant is not far from our home, neither of us had ever been here.

DSC_1390Cerwin, Jeff, and Chris got the filet mignon meal.

DSC_1391I ordered a chicken breast – which I thought was the best chicken I have ever eaten.

We shared a delicious dessert and visited a bit longer over coffee.

These birthday meals are a highlight of my life – because we get precious time with our children.

Happy birthday, Chris. We are so glad that God chose you for our family.