The Sky & The Neighbor’s Cows

Wednesday, October 8 & Thursday, October 9

1 (1)We woke up to a beautiful sunrise on Wednesday, October 8.

Can you tell that I am back to regular posting – and catching up with October photos? 🙂

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1aI love morning fog.


1aaa (1)Later in the day we enjoyed seeing a beautiful blue sky with a few clouds sprinkled here and there.

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1b (1)A local business asked if it would be possible to use some of my cow and harvest photos for their website and maybe for a calendar.

1b (2)I looked through my photos from the past few years, then took several more to add to the collection.

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3 (1)When I noticed these cows in a neighbor’s meadow, I stopped the car and got out – getting their attention.

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4 (8)The closer I got to them, the closer they came to the fence.

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4 (9)I wasn’t their only subject of curiosity – these two cows were in a meadow on the other side of the road.

4bMy favorite cow photos were of this one.