I am excited to tell you that her head has cleared – from whatever caused her confusion – and she is very much awake and her delightful self. She fed herself and was able to hold her own cup when drinking. We had normal conversation and she asked a lot of questions about the past few days – most of which she does not remember.
I had morning duty in the hospital until she was transferred to Pleasant View Retirement Community for rehab…. Velda had morning duty at Pleasant View, getting her signed in, etc. Now I am home and Velda is with her.
Thank you! Thank you for praying.
So glad to hear that she is doing better. My mother had surgery last year for a fractured hip and the anesthesia caused real problems with her mind — we were beginning to think she had dementia but she eventually came out of it and is ok now. It was scarey as we thought she wasn’t going to be able to return to her independent living situation. For some reason your posts, as well as other messages are going to my “trash” instead of my “inbox” and I just discovered it after not receiving any “mail” for three days! Technology — so frustrating at times! (:
So glad you discovered my blog in your trash.
Also glad that your mother is doing okay.
Anesthesia often takes a while to work itself out of the body — I’m so glad that Mother is doing better today!