Sunday, September 21
After walking through Sam’s orchard, we went to Family Worship Center (Lansdale, PA) to set up the chapel, where we had parked it the night before – following the banquet.
Family Worship is a faithful supporter of TFC, so we parked it here to honor their faithfulness and open it for the worshipers to see and visit following the morning service.
We went to early service and were surprised at how many people who came to the chapel had never seen it.
Sam and scheduled this without realizing that it conflicted with a big day at his own church – Biker Sunday.
It isn’t far from Family Worship, so after the 11:00 AM service began, we went to Biker’s Sunday.
We got there just as Pastor Lowell was releasing three homing pigeons – in honor of the three men who shared their journey to faith in Christ just minutes earlier. Before their salvation, they were outlaw bikers.
If I remember correctly, it would take the pigeons about an hour to get to their home in New Holland, PA.
I knew that our friends Gene and Rose Gehman were here somewhere, but could not locate them in the large audience – then I saw her waving to me. Can you find them on the center left?
They came with the Ebersoles and Rudys. What fun to see them as well.
There were a few closing songs…
…and some instructions concerning food and the afternoon rides.
Then this guy performed the finale to the service by blowing a tire!
How many church services have you gone to that close like this?
It was a worn tire, but it still took awhile to blow.
Some of the boys quickly went to try out these bikes.
Drivers visited, prepared for the first ride, and looked at each other’s bikes.
The guys checked out this racing bike.
The church prepared a delicious pulled pork lunch.
It was a beautiful day for the two-hour drive home.
The leaves were just beginning to change to their fall colors.
I’ve never been to a church service like that, but we do have a church in the south that we call the Biker Church. I’ve never been there. The lunch looks good, and the trees are so pretty. Ours are beginning to change too.
It was the first time for us to go to a biker church.
That looks like a perfect Sunday!
It was a perfect Sunday: A stroll in the orchard, a regular church, a biker church, and a beautiful drive home.