Invited To See The Baby Peeps

There was not much time to relax after we woke up on Friday, August 1.

There were suitcases to unpack, laundry to do, the house to get ready for houseguests who were arriving on Saturday evening, and the pavilion to prepare for a Sunday reunion.

01-DSC_6608Jere and Kristen’s boys invited us to come see their new peeps, so after lunch on Sunday we went to their house.

They have them in a plastic child’s pool in their garage.

02-DSC_6609What incredibly cute little fluff balls.

03-DSC_6610They are all girls who will eventually lay colored eggs.






09-DSC_6619This is where the chickens will be living in a few days.

10-DSC_6621Jesse, Jared, and Ian pretending to be chickens. 🙂


12-DSC_6624I love this chicken house.