Saturday, July 26
We began our evening at 5:30 at The Cody Cattle Company.
They serve a delicious chuckwagon meal.
My plateful after going through the line ~ and I chose to not take the tossed salad or beef.
6:30 PM: The music is about to begin.
The hour of lively cowboy and bluegrass music was performed by Triple C Cowboys.
The band consists of the Wilson family – father, mother, three sons, a daughter, and a family friend. They are incredibly talented musicians.
Our last stop for the day was the Cody Rodeo. About the time we got to this area of the entrance, I heard someone calling, “Doris High!”
I didn’t expect anyone here to know me by name.
It was Jeremiah and Rachel ~ from our home area. They are on their honeymoon. We talked a bit before going to our seats.
I spotted Rachel and Jeremiah across the stadium.
We were told by our travel guides in the morning to choose the side with our backs to the sun – and with bleachers with back rests. (Since Jeremiah and Rachel are on their honeymoon, they probably weren’t bothered by either the sun or the backless bleachers.) We old people are bothered by things like that.
I will post just a few of the many pictures I took.
Most participants in this rodeo were very young people, so there were few high scores, but it was fun watching them try.
This was a fun event. All the children age twelve and under were called to the field. When the two calves were let loose, the children were told to capture the ribbons tied to their tails.
This was my favorite ride of the night. I expect to see this young girl’s name as a winner in barrel racing when she grows up. She was one of the youngest and came in close to the top.
The clowns kept us entertained between events and sometimes during events.
Here the clowns are messing with a bull that didn’t want to leave the field.
That was an interesting and fun day in Cody.
My next post will be about our beautiful Sunday drive to Bighorn National Park.