Sunday, July 13 ~ At High Sports, Lititz, PA
Cousin John and Uncle Ivan were grilling hamburgers when we arrived.
Cousin Linda’s husband Don talking to Cerwin’s mom.
Our nephew Rod, his son-in-law, Eric, and daughter Megan behind Mother High and Don.
Cerwin’s sister, Velda, talking to one of Uncle Ivan and Aunt Gloria’s granddaughters. I am not sure whose daughter she is
– maybe Audrey or Ann’s.
Aunt Gloria (red) and several cousins visiting.
Uncle Sam (back to camera) and four cousins – Larry (Uncle Harvey & Aunt Emma’s son), John (Uncle Sam & Aunt Betty’s son), Brian (Uncle Ivan & Aunt Gloria’s son) and Cerwin (Elvin & Ella’s son).
Deb & Mark (foreground) in the food line.
Cerwin enjoying a conversation with his cousin Sharon.
I love visiting with family.
Family reunions are always fun — and you have a huge family to catch up with!
I love seeing aunts, uncles, and cousins that we only see once a year.