On Monday morning, June 30 (after the Truck Rally), Cerwin and I stopped to get gas for our RAV4 – when on the way to the Lebanon Expo to get the TFC chapel.
I hadn’t eaten breakfast, so went inside the gas station for a Dunkin Donut French cruller. (I love French crullers!)
When I walked back to the car, I said to Cerwin, “This feels like a road trip. I am so ready for a road trip.”
Two hours later he called and said, “How soon can you be ready to go to Indianapolis?” The air conditioner on the chapel at Whitestown TA Travel Center died and Chaplain Howard couldn’t find one that fit.
I needed three days to work on the Truck Rally offering and cash box reports, and another day to catch up on other things, so I said, “I can be ready to leave on Friday.”
We left the house about 5:30 AM, Friday, July 4, and were on the road about an hour before the sun rose.
I enjoyed reading a book on my Nook until daylight.
The only problem with heading west is that the sunrise was behind us.
However, it is nice to drive with the sun on your back – instead of in your face.
It was a beautiful drive across the countryside and through the tunnels of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
We were surprised to get a text from our son Jere showing a picture of him setting up lawn chairs in a park near home – for a fireworks display – in the rain.
We were in beautiful sunshine.
This driver gave us a nice reminder that it was Independence Day.
Sometime later this large cross (on a church property) reminded us of our “real” independence day.
We arrived at our motel about 4:00 PM and after getting our suitcases unpacked and clothing hung in the closet, we asked the desk attendant where to find the best steak house in town. Cerwin was ready for a good steak.
The attendant recommended Cobblestone Grill in Zionsville. We located it on our GPS and soon found it, but discovered that it was closed for the holiday. We checked our GPS for other restaurants and thought Famous Dave’s looked interesting.
As we pulled up to the restaurant, we noticed a very full parking lot.
That is always a good sign.
After ordering our meals, we received a small bowl of chips – to sample the sauces.
We had the best waiter who carefully explained all 6 barbecue sauces.
My favorite was the “Sweet and Zesty.” I also liked “Texas Pit.”
We knew by the name that “Devil Spit” was going to be too much heat for us.
Oh, my! The brisket was delicious. Cerwin said it was better than steak.
I can resist filet mignon, but I cannot turn down good, smoked brisket. The above meal was Cerwin’s. I just had a small order of brisket and fresh corn on the cob.
We went back to the motel and watched New York City fire works on TV.
It was a great day!
Looking forward to the next post!
That barbecue place looks yummy ~
I will have a few posts from that trip.
That sounds like a little unusual July 4, but a good one! I’m glad the Indianapolis chapel people were willing to wait a few days for air conditioning — am anxious to see the next post.
I think they have been without air conditioning for a few weeks, and either opened doors and windows, or turned the a/c on high in the living quarters.
I love your adventurous spirit, Doris! Always up for anything — and always seeing the new and beautiful things Thank you for letting us tag along on your road trip. I’m ready for one, too, but must wait until autumn before we can get away.
It was a great trip. Stay tuned.
What a special 4th!! I love Road trips and am looking forward to hearing about the rest of your adventure!
You will enjoy this one.
sounds wonderful!my husband just said tonight,we should do a road trip again!
You should do it!