Saturday evening’s activities began with a barbecue supper – choice of chicken or boneless pork rib.
The evening program began at 6:30 with the Bontrager Family Singers from Iowa.
In this photo they are introducing the twelve family members.
During a break in the music, valuable door prizes were given to drivers whose names were drawn from the registration box.
Ian drew the names and his dad, Jere, (Rally Coordinator) called out the winners.
I think there were eleven winners.
Jeff Batzer, TFC Executive Vice President of Ministry Programs gave an interesting ministry update.
Cerwin gave a chapel construction update before the evening’s offering.
We were blessed with another concert by The Bontrager’s (7:30 and 8:30). They call this instrumental “Sibling Cooperation.”
All twelve Bontragers are incredibly blessed with musical talent.
Following the concert, we enjoyed a beautiful light show by the truckers who remained.
We praise the Lord for beautiful weather and safety of everyone.
We were back at the Expo on Sunday morning for the Rally Celebration service and enjoyed another program by the Bontragers.
After the service, we enjoyed a delicious meal which was catered by Country Home Catering.
We are always amazed how quickly a year comes and goes and another Truck Rally is just a memory.
Thanks to the many sponsors who made these affordable days for our trucking families. All activities are free except for the food.
Thanks to our incredible committee and the many day helpers. We did not count the day volunteers this year, but when we did count them the other year, there were more than 200.
We feel blessed indeed!
Mark your 2015 calendar for the next Rally. June 27 & 28.
More great activities! I love the shot of Ian and Jere — you can almost see Ian looking up to his dad!
Ian was a bit worried that he wouldn’t do a good job of pulling names.
Aww — I’m sure he did a great job!