The day begins for us (the committee and several key Rally volunteers) at the 6:00 AM breakfast at Quentin Haus Family Restaurant.
Jere lead the prayer – for breakfast and the day’s activities.
We all get the same meal – so we can quickly eat and move on with the day’s activities.
This year I ordered eggs, bacon, toast, juice, coffee, and pastry.
By this point we just enjoy visiting, as all the planning, organizing, and scheduling has been done.
The newest committee – those participating in the “Blessing of the Trucks” – in prayer before trucks began arriving.
Jordan (our grandson) setting up auction tables.
I heard Bruce asking God to give them grace to show the love of Christ to each driver and for the safety of everyone, especially all the children.
Chaplain Len giving a registration instruction card to a driver.
After asking for permission to pray for the driver and his truck, Len prayed a short blessing on this man and his rig.
A few drivers arrived during the early morning hours, but most began arriving after 9:00 AM.
Curtain side (these unload from the side)
And…I not sure how to describe this one.
I knew as soon as I saw it that it was going to be my favorite of the day.
I think it could have qualified for the Cars movie.
More pictures tomorrow night.
My goodness, so well organized! And there are already trucks of sorts that I’ve never seen!
This is the most organized committee on which I have ever served.