Saturday, June 14
I went through the many pictures that I have left in my Macungie file and decided to choose some special ones for here, and post the rest on my Facebook page, so if you like trucks and old cars, go to Doris Jean High on Facebook.
That way I won’t bore the rest of you with truck pictures for another few nights.
It was fun watching old trucks arrive on Saturday morning.
Betty (sitting), Bob, Cerwin, Don, and Dick.
We had a great time visiting with friends and drivers who came by the chapel.
At 10:00 AM there was a special ceremony of raising the flag and singing The Star Spangled Banner.
A lady came by who had a question about the Bible. After she left, I stood in the doorway of the chapel and watched the activity.
After the incoming traffic slowed down, I took a walk around the grounds.
There is a large flea market where almost anything related to antique vehicles and trucking can be found.
We took turns staying at the chapel and walking around the grounds.
Shortly after lunch we noticed that a driver who was trying to leave was stuck in the muddy grass next to us.
Because of Friday night’s rain, there were guys waiting to pull them out.
We packed up the chapel and headed toward home shortly after 3:00 PM because we had another appointment ~ and the activities of the day were pretty much finished by then.
Thanks to Chaplains Jake and Bob for helping us, and for Bob’s wife Betty for joining us for Saturday.
It has been a long time since I had to follow the chapel with our car ~ and driving on interstates is not one of my favorite things to do ~ but it was a good drive home.
I love the 2nd shot — and the toys, too! I’m glad you had a better day to drive home!
Yes, I am glad that I didn’t have to drive home in pouring rain!