Nate and Abby came for supper on Monday night so Diane could spend more time with Anthony and say goodbye to them before we headed to Maine.
Diane giving Anthony a goodbye kiss.
We were up early Monday morning ~ and left just before sunrise ~ to head for Maine.
At the traffic light in Myerstown
We came upon some slow traffic in New Jersey and at one point ~ when we were stopped ~ I noticed the reflection of our RAV4 in this big rig’s hub cap.
We arrived at the Myers’ in the late afternoon.
We are rarely here when the lilacs bloom since we usually travel to Maine in January and August.
I promised Lydia a deluxe manicure/pedicure for graduation. Our favorite place in Maine is Elizabeth Nails in Brunswick. They are the best!
Diane went along ~ because she is my daughter
~ and Hannah got to go because it didn’t suite Lydia’s friend. We had reservations for four.
Lydia was pleased with her French tips.
Wednesday we began preparing for Lydia’s graduation party.
I peeled the eggs for red beet eggs.
Diane, Cerwin, and I cleaned up the picnic area in the wooded area behind their house, thinking the young people may want to make a campfire.
I looked for a few photo ops in their yard. Their bed of mint tea is lush and green.
The young maple leaves are fresh and light green.
Wild violets beside the house.
Most of the tulips are finished blooming or just about “over the hill.”
I found one that was in perfect bloom.
Tomorrow night’s post will be Lydia’s graduation from R10 Tech, Brunswick, Maine.
The baby is just so adorable!! Must be wonderful ~
It is wonderful.