Do I see that lady with her camera again?
I’ll keep watch, but I think it’s her.
I do believe I see the camera.
Let me check. I am closer to the window.
Yep, it’s her.
Keep eating. She will eventually go away.
I’m not sure why she enjoys watching us eat.
I’ll keep watch. I think she is just trying to identify us.
Sounds good to me because I am hungry.
Oh, wow. I think that is a rose-breasted grosbeak.
I haven’t seen one yet this year.
Yes it is. I can see the rose marking on its upper breast.
Cerwin called me to the bathroom window saying, “There is a brilliant, blue bird out next to the shed.”
I replied, “Oh, I hope it is an indigo bunting. I haven’t seen one yet this year.”
It was, and there were two of them.
I hope I will be able to get a close-up of one soon.
Ruby-throated hummingbird – male. My first sighting of the year.
And last but not least – a wren.
I think it is a Carolina wren, but may be a young one because it is missing the defined white marking above its eye. And because it was doing a lot of singing, it is probably a male.
May is my favorite bird-watching month.
You have a magnificent variety of birds, and you’ve captured them nicely! My favorite of this bunch is #7, with it’s feathered head and those wonderful body and tail feathers. But the cardinals and goldfinches, and those indigo buntings are superb!
Thank you.
Why do they call them red-bellied woodpeckers when it’s the back of their heads that are red? I’ve seen a grosbeak twice this season. I’ve only seen an indigo bunting 2 times since we’ve lived here. One time when I was driving and it flew in front of the car. That brilliant blue is so beautiful. The other time I found a dead one. That was sad.
I’ve often wondered that too, because they don’t even have red bellies.