Saturday, April 26
I was glad we had the day open this year to relax and spend time watching church friends ~ especially our grandsons Jordan and Nate (above) play. Jordan plays for Gray and will be featured later.
It was a beautiful day for this event ~ which brings out many church families and those who enjoy baseball.
We have three ball teams ~ Gray, Red, and Orange ~ plus Retro Red a team made up of ex-players. The tournament lasts all day as they vie for the title of winner.
Proceeds from donations and the food go to people (usually from our church) who have special financial needs at the time of the tournament.
Running toward third base.
Congratulating each other at the end of this game.
The children enjoyed the playground while parents visited nearby.
Nate participated in the homerun derby.
The four winners with their prizes. We were proud of Nate for coming in second and receiving a deluxe folding chair.
After Nate and his friend Brent checked out the features ~ a small table on one side and a cooler on the other ~ they tried to figure out how to fold it.