Tuesday, April 22
Cerwin was out of the house early, because Jere came to take him out for breakfast and then to Cabela’s. I wasn’t alert enough to think of taking a picture of them. His birthday gift to himself was new shoes and a field camera.
Since we were having a family celebration later in the week, I made plans to have supper at Landis Homes ~ with his Mother and Pennsylvania siblings. As you can see by the above photo, Lititz is beautiful this time of year.
Cherry Blossoms.
While we waited on the others to arrive, I went outside to take pictures in a Landis Homes courtyard.
Mel, Velda (sister), Pat, Elvin (brother), Mother, and Cerwin
We enjoyed a delicious and wonderful evening, and it was fun surprising Cerwin by inviting his brother and sister.
When we arrived, Pat was sitting in her car waiting on Elvin – as they came directly from work. Cerwin said, “That looks like Pat.” I replied, “Isn’t that interesting.” He looked at me and said, “I believe you pulled one over on me.”
Eating in a senior care facility is much quieter than eating in a restaurant ~ making it nice for having good conversation.
Mother asked the kitchen staff to sing Happy Birthday to him.
What fun to have Uncle John join them. He was in the dining room and coming over to our table as the staff came to sing. Uncle John is 98 and is Mother’s oldest living sibling. Mother is 96.
There was a short, heavy rainstorm while we ate supper. It even included some hail.
What fun to celebrate with Cerwin’s family in this way.
What a lovely celebration — a different part of the family, but just as special!
I wanted to take him out for supper, and thought we should eat with the person who gave birth to him.