Our Crocus Are Finally Blooming

DSC_6941I am used to seeing crocus flowers by March 16 (the anniversary of the death of my mother), but this year they are about two weeks late ~ for the first time in 40 years.

DSC_7138Then when they were about to bloom over the weekend, we had snow again.

DSC_6946Some that were ready to open were battered by wind and snow.

DSC_7208Our crocus are all “children” of the original few bulbs Mother gave us for our 10th Wedding Anniversary on September 14, 1973.



DSC_7182When she handed us the small bag of bulbs, she said, “This isn’t a pretty gift, but they will be pretty come spring.”

DSC_7180She never got to see them bloom, as she died suddenly from cancer on March 16, 1974.

DSC_7179She (and we) learned that she had cancer less than two weeks before her death ~ after going to the doctor because she wasn’t feeling well.

DSC_7177He sent her to the hospital thinking she may have appendicitis.

DSC_7192Forty years ago she was 52 and I was 30.


There is no flower in our yard that I look forward to more that the crocus.