More pictures of the snow from Monday, February 3.
By the time the snow stopped, we had about 8 inches on the ground.
I felt bad for the birds, because every feeder was covered with snow.
The suet was popular as it remained free of snow.
Just before lunch, I decided to fill a large, plastic tray with bird seed and place it on the patio table so there was food for them.
It immediately became a popular feeding place.
The Schwan’s driver stopped in just as Cerwin began opening the driveway.
Cerwin went next door to open Sarah’s driveway. Before long she rewarded us with these delicious cookies and a vegetable soup.
Anne’s driveway, on the other side of us, is too long to open with a snow blower, so my brother Steve came with the skid loader.
I didn’t go outside to take this picture, but it gives you an idea of the pretty evening following the snow.
Oh wow, that blue jay photo is top notch! Cracks me up! I have sprinkled birdseed on top of the snow on top of our patio table repeatedly this winter ~ it snows on top of it and I put out some more. When it finally melts, I think it will be a HORRID MESS!
I know what you mean. I think our patio area is going to be a mess when the snow melts. We are supposed to get another foot of snow tonight and tomorrow.