Holiday Concert at Middle School
Fifth and Sixth Grade Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
Tuesday, December 17
The other end of our row – Jana, Roy, and Deb.
Even though Roy and Deb live an hour from our area, they love when nieces and nephews invite them to concerts. (Cerwin and I also enjoy these, and LOVE to be invited.)
The Orchestra under the direction of Mrs. Shirk played:
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Angels We Have Heard on High
Little Drummer Boy
The Chorus directed by Mrs. Brubaker sang:
I’ve Got Joy
The Eight Days of Hanukkah
Frosty Hand Jive
The Vocal Ensemble, also directed by Mrs. Brubaker, sang Candlelight Canon.
Then it was time for the band – where our grandson Ian was playing drums – his first time playing in public. The only problem, we could barely see him.
He is in the back row to the left of the boy with a red Santa hat.
When the band was finished, the program was over, and Ian (standing – white shirt) came forward to look for his family in the audience.
Because this program was postponed from one week earlier due to snow, there was another concert (seventh and eighth grade) immediately after this one – so most of us went to Jere and Kristen’s house while Kristen went to the room where she was supposed to meet Ian. (It was a bit too chaotic to wait for him in the entrance area.)
It was about that time that a rather “funny” thing happened – not real funny for Ian though.
But, I will tell you about that tomorrow night.
I’m sorry you couldn’t see Ian in the band — but he looks a little perplexed in that last shot! I hope he found you all!
Oh, he and Kristen found each other!