Friday evening, December 6
After we arrived, Tim and Cerwin removed some exterior attachments to the old chapel. I’m not sure what everything was, but they looked like antennas and such.
The mechanic preparing to do his “thing.”
By 3:45 in the afternoon they decided that it may move, so Chaplain Tim got in the cab.
Cerwin crawled under the trailer and loosened the slack adjusters, then hit the brake shoes to release the brakes. (I don’t know about things like that, but that is what he told me he did.)
Cerwin bringing the new one in – but first a few cars had to be moved.
Cerwin, Tim, and the volunteers were so pleased to have the new chapel in place by the end of the day – 5:00 p.m.
That was not something they thought would happen in the early afternoon.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for us on Friday.
God was truly WITH us.
Then it was time to celebrate with supper in the truck stop restaurant. This picture includes some of the setup helpers, Tim, his wife, Char, their three children, and a few friends.
It was surely a time to rejoice!