At Middle Creek Church of the Brethren
This morning
It was fun to go to this inspiring tea with our daughter-in-law.
Thanks, Kristen, for inviting me.
As I am posting this picture, I realize that I forgot to bring my hostess gift – the ribbon candy – home.
It makes me sad, because I wanted to take it along on our next road trip (tomorrow).
Oh, well I think we have enough sugary things packed.
White Grape Cherry Juice
Fresh Fruit Tray
Pepper Jam and Cream Cheese/Crackers
Ham and Cheese Quiche Florentine
Cheesecake Cranberry Bars
Double Chocolate Pecan Tassies
Coconut Scone
Rice Krispie Treat Cups
Hawaiian Turtle Cups
Assorted Teas and Coffee
It was nice that we received recipes.
I think I will try the Cheesecake Cranberry Bars. (upper left).
They were DELICIOUS.
The White Grape Cherry Juice is on the left.
I wanted to show our niece Dorretta that I wore the pretty scarf she gave me on Saturday night.
It was a hostess gift.
I expect that she crocheted it herself.
I love it!
There was a pretty candle in the center of each table.
Diane shared an inspiring story of a creative mother during a Christmas past – when the family was facing tough times financially.
I think I remember someone mentioning that they were set up for 270 ladies.
Following the tea, Chasity led us in several Christmas carols.
Marci sang two Christmas songs that reminded us of the amazing grace of God in giving us His Son to be our savior.
Oh what a delight to listen to the sometimes funny, sometimes challenging message of Ruthie as she shared “Gifts of Grace.”
She brought six packages to illustrate her message.
Gift #1 – Forgiveness – a cherished gift from God – a wonderful gift from those we hurt.
Gift #2 – Sacrifice – God’s sacrifice for us – our bodies are a living sacrifice. The reward is joy and fulfillment.
Gift #3 – Pain – the God of all grace restores us and makes us strong through pain.
Gift #4 – Discipline – the rewards are maturity, wisdom, peace, and strength.
Gift #5 – Abide – In John 15 Jesus says, “Abide.” Stay with me. Walk with me. The rewards are love, peace, patience, and joy.
During this section I loved her version of “Footprints.”
It went something like this:
At the end of a faithful, Christian woman’s life, she and God were looking back over their footprints in the sand.
In the beginning of her walk with God – she noticed that God’s footprints were nice and straight and hers were all over the place.
Then as she learned to walk with God, her footprints became straighter and often fit right inside God’s larger footprints.
Then as they continued the journey, she saw a time where both of their footprints were all over the place, she became troubled, and asked God what that was all about.
“I can understand why my footprints weren’t straight, and didn’t always match Yours, but why weren’t Your footprints straight?
God said, “Oh, that’s when we were dancing!”
Staying with God brings joy.
Gift #6 – Claim the Promises – The Bible is full of promises. There are thousands of them for those who follow Jesus and believe that he is God’s son.
Come unto Me and I will give you rest.
Call unto Me and I will answer you.
Give and it shall be given to you, pressed down and overflowing.
If we confess our sins, God will forgive us.
Our hope comes from God.
…and I could go on and on and on.
She ended by challenging us to be open to receive and experience God’s many gifts of grace.
Connie closed the program by inviting everyone to some upcoming events at the church.
Thanks to everyone who put in many hours to give us the gift of a delightful, refreshing, early December morning.
That looks like a delightful tea together — thanks for sharing it with the rest of us!
What a lovely, lovely evening!!
It was delightful.