Wednesday, October 23
Coe Camera – where I purchased my camera – called me a few weeks ago, saying that they were having a workshop on my camera (Nikon D7000) and asked if I was interested.
I was – and invited our daughter Deb (light sweater) to go along, because she has the same camera.
The event was held at The Press Room restaurant in downtown Lancaster, and was so worth the cost of $20.00 per person.
We were given many good hints and taught some great techniques which were easy to follow because of his well-done PowerPoint presentation.
The instructor was quite knowledgeable and professional.
There were probably between 40 and 50 people, and some asked very hi-tech questions, making us think they were professional photographers.
He taught some things that were way beyond anything I needed to know, but it was interesting to understand more about my camera.
The cost of the evening included heavy hors d’oeuvres and drink. “Heavy” meant there was plenty of food – cheese, crackers, fruit, and pizza.
Deb and I had an incredibly good time and wished there was another class the next night.