I am not sure how to connect these pictures of pumpkins and birds, but these are what I have left over after going through and posting my pictures from the first week of October.
The Pumpkins
I took this picture at a place of business just because I thought it was an attractive fall decoration.
The Birds
I did not do a good job of feeding the birds this past summer – partly due to the fact that I was either traveling or busy, but began keeping after the feeders again when things settled down in mid-September.
I was pleased to capture a shot of this dove in the bird seed basket.
This is one of my favorite feeders. I bought it in a second-hand store several years ago, then went to a local hardware store for a few inches of window screen to put on the bottom so the seed didn’t fall through.
I still remember telling Phil (the employee) why I needed just a few inches of screen. He looked at the waste can where he had just discarded an old window screen and asked if that would be okay. I replied, “Perfect.” He cut what I needed and gave it to me. “No charge,” he said.
The highlight of watching birds at our feeders during the past few weeks was when a pair of Eastern Bluebirds hung around the patio for a few minutes.
I love that bluebird picture! We haven’t seen any around here in a while — they must have gone south to your area!
I think this pair may have been migrating, because I haven’t seen any for a while either.
Bluebirds make a person feel so blessed ~ just by seeing them!
They do. It is just so delightful to see them.