Last night we had a covered dish supper to celebrate her birthday.
Justin, Josh, Jordan, and Cerwin.
After lunch we asked the young guys in our man cave to help get the table board and saw horses from the pavilion to use for the serving table. We timed their help perfectly – just before the Eagles game started.
Ian and Jared found a small branch of leaves with something that looked like small eggs attached to the bottom of the leaves. Someone told them to go find Jeremy and Shtefan (brothers) to find out what they are.
I love how intently Ian and Jared listened to the bigger boys discuss what they may be. They came to the conclusion that they were spores.
I noticed that something was getting everyone’s attention – just beyond the food table, and saw that one of the new babies and his parents had just arrived.
Deb, Bryson, Leslie, and Bryan.
Bryson is five weeks old – and the grandson of Cerwin’s brother, Elvin.
Deb, Jared, and Jesse admiring him.
Josiah, Dorretta, and Jeff waiting their turn to go through the food line.
There was also a cake for our anniversary.
Last week was the beginning of a brand new generation in the High family with the birth of Owen David Gordon.
His parents are Justin and Hayley. Justin is the grandson of Cerwin’s sister Velda.
Mother meeting her first great-great-grandchild.
When someone tried to take him from her, she said, “I’m not finished holding him yet.”
There will me more pictures of Owen – as well as Bryson – in my next post.
What a very, very special event ~ 5 generations! ~ she is so blessed with a beautiful family ~
She is blessed and is very aware and grateful for her blessings.
Grandmother High looks very spry for 96! I love that she’s not finished holding the great grandson!
Yes, she is doing very well for 96.