Deb was at our house about 7:30 on Saturday morning to take me to the craft show.
I had never gone – and it is only a few miles from our house.
Deb’s friend Dee was waiting for us at a local parking lot. They were my shopping partners for the day.
I took this picture at 8:00 a.m.
We had only just begun when we met my sister-in-law Brenda – who was already finished shopping. She said they really didn’t need a pillow, but she couldn’t resist this one. (She is holding a soft pretzel – encase you wonder what is at the bottom of the pillow. :))
Their home is open to young women who need someone to help them move into a healthy (an hopefully Christian) adulthood.
Walk along with us and enjoy some of the crafts.
Wilbur Chocolate Company provides a delightful aroma to the area.
There were several Amish people selling their wares.
That’s our friend Debbie (in the pink top) from church.
These little guys were getting a lot of attention. Their owner had them in an over-the-shoulder carrier.
It was time for lunch and a break from walking when we got to A Tea Affair.
We started with scones and a cold tomato soup (delicious). Deb and I had pomegranate tea.
We still had a long way to go until the end of the vendors on Main Street.
This church steeple looked pretty in the early afternoon as we headed back toward Broad Street.
I was surprised to see my friend (and schoolmate) Julie. I heard that she had written a children’s book, and was pleased to purchase one here.
Then I discovered that she knew Dee because Dee works at the publishing company that helped Julie with the original copy. (I think that was the hardcopy version.)
This was our view as we turned the corner from Main to Broad. We still had not seen most of the vendors on the right.
I took this picture at 2:00 p.m. – six hours after the first picture – and we weren’t quite finished yet.
It was a delightful day – but my feet were glad to be propped up at the end of the afternoon.