New Siding & Lily Pads

How is that for title combinations?

That is because I wanted to finish the last set of pictures before I post Truck Rally pictures.

1 (1)After installing a ductless heating and cooling system a few weeks ago, and removing wall air conditioners, we either had to change our siding, or have strange-looking spots on the exterior walls.

1 (2)So we called our favorite window and siding people.

1 (3)

1 (4)

1 (5)

1 (6)

1 (7)After a few days we have a brand new look to our house – after forty-six years as a deep red.

We like it.


Now on to another subject – flowering lily pads…

2Last Sunday – on the way home from lunch with Roy and Deb – we saw a pond with lots of white “stuff” on it and realized that it was blooming lily pad flowers.

2aDeb and I appreciated that Roy turned the car around when we mentioned that we would like to photograph them.

2bWhen Deb and I got out of the car, the Canada geese went into the pond.

2cAt first we thought their entry into the water would mess up our pictures, but they added to the scenery.


2eA bud.

2f (1)The blooms were delicate and beautiful.

2f (3)When I checked the Internet, I discovered they are white Lotus Nymphaea Ampla Asian Water Lily Pad Flowers

2f (2)Beautiful.