I will begin with Hezekiah, because he was the first to graduate.
Hezekiah grew up in Maine, and is the sixth child of our oldest daughter Diane and her husband, Mark.
Mark and Diane’s children: Elizabeth, Hannah, Josiah, Abigail, Elijah (died at 5 months), Hezekiah, and Lydia.
The photos were taken by Diane and Elizabeth.
Hezekiah graduated with a home school and GED diploma – also with a certificate from Region 10 Technical High School, Brunswick, Maine.
On May 23, all seniors at Region 10 Technical School walked the stage and had comments made about them.
Heze was pleased that his friends Andrew and Peter could be at the ceremony.
He had perfect attendance, received high honors, and was a student of the quarter both this year and last.
With his Auto Collision Repair teacher, Mr. Carr, and Automotive Technology Teacher, Mr. Giroux.
He and two other guys were each awarded a $500.00 Peter E. Groves scholarship.
The three guys with a brother and sister to Peter. Peter’s family started the scholarship in his honor this year.
Peter was a man from Harpswell, Maine, who died at age 49, and loved his ’66 Chevelle.
They had to look under the hood!
Quad carburetors for those who care.
The three guys were also given tickets to the barbecue they are having after the cruise later this summer.
He has been accepted at Northern Maine Community College, Presque Isle, Maine, to study diesel hydraulics technology.
He is currently working for Skillins Greenhouses.
Congratulations, Heze.
I love this handsome young man.
congratulations to your grandkids! exciting times~
It exciting to have one graduate – let alone three.
Congratulations! I was tickled by the kids’ names. My own kids are Abigail, Jephthah, Hannah, Elizabeth. If Jephthah had been first we might have named him Josiah, but by the time he was born some good friends had used that name.
You guys are on the same wave-length with children’s names.
We are so proud of you Heze! And can’t wait to see what you accomplish next. You continue to amaze us with your skills and are so proud that you are pursuing a career in diesel hydraulics technology. Your Uncle Roy can barely contain his excitement over that. We love you!