House Finch

This includes a variety of photos from the past six weeks.

I had a funny thing happen today, which reminded me that it was time to post another set of bird photos.

As I thought about what I would post this evening, I got up from working on my laptop and went to get my camera card to look at some recent photos. I looked out the window to see if there were any birds at the feeders.

I noticed the feeders were almost empty, so decided to get some peanuts and birdseed. The suet looked pretty good.

Then I noticed a few weeds that needed to be pulled.

When I came back to my La-Z-Boy, lifted the leg rest, and picked up my laptop, I realized that I never got the camera card. 🙂 Oh, well – the birds got fed and I pulled a few weeds.

The following pictures are from my “finch file” – recent photos of finches. I think each is a House Finch. We do have Purple Finches now and then, but these – especially the males (with red) seem to be a House Finch.

This was from a few weeks ago when there was ice on the birdbath.

This one either has an eye problem or was very sleepy.

I took these pictures on a windy day.

A pretty female

This one may be a Purple Finch. The reason I think it is a Purple Finch is because there is no white on the side of its head and there is a lot of red on its breast – and almost raspberry colored.

Two fun facts about House Finches.

A group of finches is called a charm, trembling or company.

Male finches may hop as high as one foot in the air while puffing out its chest and cocking its tail when trying to attract a female.