Our Family Christmas Lunch – Part 1

Sunday, December 3

We prepared the tables on Saturday

Diana and Gloria were two of the first to arrive – giving Grandpa time to ask them about their hunting experiences. Both shot a deer this year.

Jenna asked for a scissors because she noticed a few hairs that she missed when giving Dustan a haircut. 🙂

Time for lunch. We had haystacks – a very simple Christmas meal.

There were twenty-four at our table this year.

We have this meal in early December so that it will suit more of our family members.

Most of the locals were here – all but Donovan (who was at the cabin); and we missed our Maine family (Mark, Diane, Nsimba, Elizabeth, and Hannah); those in Tennessee (Hezekiah and Kayla – and Lydia, who was visiting them); and Jana who is in South Africa with YWAM. Twenty-four out of thirty-four was not bad for us.

Our cake

Continued tomorrow night.