Sticky Seeds

The other week I was watching this House Sparrow and wondering why seeds were sticking to its beak.

dsc_9646The scene was kind of amusing. It caused me to ponder…

I wish the worlds only problem was sticky seeds.

dsc_9647Today I heard about another stabbing – yesterday it was a shooting.

I wonder how the seeds of hatred stuck to their hearts.

dsc_9657Castro’s and Hitler’s seeds of hatred showed in their lives – in how they treated people.

I wonder. Did hatred, control, and unforgiveness begin in their early lives?

dsc_9660Do you ever watch people who won’t forgive – who are self-centered and controlling?

You can see it on their faces – like sticky seeds.

dsc_9662Unforgiveness complicates life.

It separates you from people. It isolates.

You are the loser.

Seriously. What are you wishing for the person you won’t forgive?

Pain? Problems? Hell?

dsc_9667Sometimes I wish life would get simpler as we grow older – as the world grows older.

I wish we didn’t have to see the sticky-seed results of hatred and unforgiveness on peoples faces.

I see it on the news – almost every day. In angry protests. In stabbings and shootings.

I see it in the Christian community. .

Angry Words. Separation. Shunning.

dsc_9668God loves you more than any sparrow. He knows what is going on.

Breathe. Pray. Trust. Wait.

Don’t allow the sticky seeds of anger and unforgiveness stick to your heart.

I promise you. They will show on your face.