Surprising Jana at Work

Wednesday, March 30

DSC_9374Just as we were finishing supper, Jere called to ask if we wanted to go along with them to surprise Jana for her birthday. (Thankfully we had not eaten dessert!)

She was working at Fox Meadows Creamery.

DSC_9377Diane (left) had just arrived from Maine, so she was pleased to be part of the surprise.

Her youngest daughter, Lydia, came for a three-day conference. Diane came along to keep her company on the drive.

DSC_9378We all sang Happy Birthday as we walked in the door. 🙂

DSC_9383I love doing impromptu things.

The other patrons enjoyed our surprise as well.




DSC_9389Diane chose a variety of flavors.

DSC_9390Enjoying our ice cream

DSC_9393I usually get vanilla ice cream, but this flavor – Spearmint Matcha – caught my attention.

I now have a new favorite flavor of ice cream, so we brought a half gallon.