Two Trees Down

Monday, December 28

1 (1)This tree has been a concern to us for the past few years.

We always told people not to park close to it – especially if it was windy, because dead branches came crashing down without warning.

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1 (3)As I watched Amos take this tree down – piece by piece – I understood why someone with his skill is often called a tree surgeon.

1 (4)He didn’t allow even one branch fall to our driveway – but gently lowered them to the ground.

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1 (6)This “critter” ate up small branches and created sawdust in seconds.

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1 (9)His helpers clean up branches and sawdust so thoroughly before they leave that the area look better than it did before they came.

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1 (17)From the north side of the house.

1 (18)Behind the house.

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1 (20)A naked tree

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1 (22)Cerwin and Amos

1 (23)We had another tree in the lower part of our yard that needed to come down as well.

1 (24)This was a clean cut – no wires, house, or driveway to worry about.

1 (25)It was down before I even thought about changing my camera to “rapid fire.”

1 (26)Now I understand why it didn’t cost as much to take this one down.

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1 (30)The wood-eater is in business again.

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1 (32)Ready for Jere and his boys to cut up into firewood.

1 (33)Now that the vehicles were out of the way, Amos went back to the tree at the corner of our house to finish that job.

1 (34)I wish I had been this close when water gushed out of the cut he was making.

That bothered him a bit because he wasn’t sure it would fall where he wanted it to land.

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1 (36)There it goes!

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1 (39)Right where he wanted it! This wood will go to our nephew, Travis, who will cut it up for firewood.

2Good job, Amos. You are the best.