What I See Outside Our Windows

Saturday, November 21

This is what I see (1)This is what I see outside our guest room window when I am walking on our treadmill in the early morning – about 6:30 AM.

This is what I see (3)

This is what I see (4)

This is what I see (5)

This is what I see (6)

This is what I see (7)It’s fun to see the winter birds come to our feeders and watch them outside the window at our kitchen sink.

This is what I see (8)If I look beyond the feeders, this is what I see in the western sky – between 4:00 and 4:30 PM.

This is what I see (9)

This is what I see (10)It’s like seeing a new painting each evening.

This is what I see (12)

This is what I see (14)

This is what I see (15)

This is what I see (15a)

This is what I see (16)I love being able to see the sky around us – especially at sunrise and sunset.