A Visit By Granddaughters

October 11 – 13

1It was DELIGHTFUL to have Lydia and Hannah spend two days with us during their quick trip from Maine.

2It also meant we got to see a bit more of Nathaniel and Abby (Hannah and Lydia’s sister) and our only great-grandchild, Anthony.

In this picture Nathaniel was shopping for something online and Abby was getting Anthony ready for bed.

3 (1)I had a unique view of Anthony from my seat at the table and had fun taking pictures of him.

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DSC_0799Little did we know that when I took this picture on Monday morning, October 13, that this car would be totaled before they got home to Maine that night.

1457715_10204722426768275_1856867211540808021_nPhoto from Hannah’s Facebook page.

We are grateful that both are safe – with only a few bruises and cuts.


Photo from Abby’s Facebook page

Just to close on a lighter note, Abby recently posted a picture of Anthony enjoying his newest skill – sitting.